Free Shipping on all UAE orders above 400 Dhs

Legal Notice

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to all sales concluded by NHD Elegance registered under the number SIRET 918 985 367 00013 with customers wishing to acquire the products offered for sale by NHD Elegance on the website


These General Conditions of Sale apply when your customer places an order with NHD Elegance on

By accepting these General Conditions of Sale, you also confirm that you have read the information concerning personal data and cookies and that you approve the use of this data in accordance with the privacy policy.

We sell products in different countries, so these Terms and Conditions are intended to apply worldwide. However, additional laws may apply depending on the country where you live. We comply with these applicable laws, and nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as limiting your rights, if the relevant laws provide you with greater rights than those set out in the terms set out here.


When you receive an order confirmation from us, it means that your order has been accepted and that a purchase order has been made. We recommend that you keep the order confirmation for any future contact with us. We may reject an order for various reasons, for example if you provide incorrect personal data or if you have a liability for non-payment of debts.

We may cancel an order if there is a shortage of the products ordered. We will then refund any amount paid and inform you of the existence of equivalent products if they are available.

The products ordered remain our property until we have received full payment for their sale.


You are responsible for the accuracy of the personal data you provide to us.


The prices indicated on the website apply to orders placed on the website. All prices are in the currency shown on the Website and include VAT where specified (however, depending on your country of residence, VAT may not apply to your purchase). Unless otherwise stated on the website, prices do not include payment or postage costs, which are shown separately. Also note that local charges (such as currency conversion fees, payment or credit card fees, sales taxes, customs duties, etc.) may apply, depending on your local regulations. country of residence. These costs are your responsibility and will not be reimbursed by us.


We are likely to offer from time to time, for specific products, more favorable conditions than those indicated by the General Conditions of Sale, for example, with regard to the right of withdrawal or free returns. These more favorable conditions are only valid for a limited time, until the products concerned are out of stock, and can be canceled at any time. In the event of withdrawal, the General Conditions of Sale will again apply in their entirety.


In-stock products are generally delivered within the lead times shown on the website. The estimated delivery time of an order is indicated in the order confirmation.

In the event of non-complaint of the package within the time limit (deposit with a merchant, post office, etc.) or in the event of an error in the delivery address indicated by the customer: NHD Elegance reserves the right to invoice to his customer the reshipment of the package.

NHD Elegance is not held responsible for delays, loss or theft of parcels committed by the Post Office.


There is no refund but you can exchange your item within 48 hours. Exchange costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Any return of parcels requires the prior agreement of our shop by email:

Please specify your order number, the reason for your exchange and what do you want.